Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-7429 is to be contained within a specially constructed chamber located in Site-███. The chamber must be constructed of reinforced titanium alloy and equipped with multiple redundant containment measures, including electromagnetic shielding, soundproofing, and temperature regulation systems. Access to SCP-7429 is strictly prohibited except for authorized personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher. All personnel entering SCP-7429’s containment chamber must undergo thorough psychological screening and wear specialized ear protection at all times. Under no circumstances should direct communication with SCP-7429 be attempted. Any attempts to decipher or interpret SCP-7429’s anomalous properties must be conducted remotely using automated systems and artificial intelligence.


SCP-7429 is a sentient entity of unknown origin and composition. It appears as a formless, amorphous mass suspended within a dark, void-like space. SCP-7429 emits a low-frequency sound wave, designated as SCP-7429-1, which is undetectable by standard audio equipment but can be perceived by human subjects within a 10-meter radius. SCP-7429-1 has a profound psychological effect on individuals who hear it, inducing intense feelings of dread, anxiety, and paranoia. Prolonged exposure to SCP-7429-1 can lead to severe mental deterioration, hallucinations, and suicidal ideation. SCP-7429 possesses the ability to communicate telepathically with human subjects exposed to SCP-7429-1. It preys on the deepest fears and insecurities of its victims, manipulating their thoughts and emotions to exert control over them. Attempts to contain or neutralize SCP-7429 have proven futile, as it demonstrates resistance to conventional containment methods and exhibits high-level cognitive abilities. SCP-7429 has displayed a cunning and manipulative nature, often luring unsuspecting individuals into its influence through psychological manipulation and deception.

Addendum: Incident Report 7429-1

On ██/██/████, during routine monitoring of SCP-7429’s containment chamber, a containment breach occurred, resulting in the deaths of ██ personnel and the loss of ████ classified documents. The breach was attributed to a lapse in security protocols and a failure in the containment chamber’s integrity. Following Incident 7429-1, containment procedures for SCP-7429 have been revised and strengthened to prevent future breaches. Research into more effective containment methods and countermeasures against SCP-7429’s anomalous effects is ongoing.

Protocols to Follow for the Containment and Handling of SCP-7429

  1. Access Restriction: Access to SCP-7429’s containment area is restricted to personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher. Unauthorized individuals are strictly prohibited from entering the area.
  2. Security Measures: The containment area surrounding SCP-7429 must be equipped with surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and armed security personnel to monitor and respond to any breaches or unauthorized access attempts.
  3. Psychological Screening: All personnel assigned to SCP-7429 must undergo rigorous psychological screening to assess their mental resilience and susceptibility to SCP-7429’s anomalous effects.
  4. Protective Gear: Personnel entering SCP-7429’s containment area must wear specialized ear protection and full-body protective suits to minimize the risk of exposure to SCP-7429-1.
  5. Remote Observation: Observation of SCP-7429 and any experiments conducted with it must be carried out remotely using automated systems and artificial intelligence to avoid direct exposure to SCP-7429-1.
  6. Emergency Response Plan: A detailed emergency response plan must be in place to address containment breaches, personnel injuries, or any other unforeseen events related to SCP-7429.
  7. Containment Chamber Maintenance: The containment chamber housing SCP-7429 must undergo regular maintenance and integrity checks to ensure it remains secure and free from structural weaknesses or vulnerabilities.
  8. Regular Monitoring: SCP-7429’s containment area must be monitored continuously for any signs of anomalous activity or breaches. Security personnel should conduct regular patrols and inspections of the area.
  9. Communication Protocols: Communication with personnel inside SCP-7429’s containment area must be conducted via secure channels and monitored closely to prevent unauthorized disclosures or breaches of containment protocols.
  10. Experimental Approval: Any experiments involving SCP-7429 must be approved by at least two Level 4 personnel and conducted under controlled conditions with strict adherence to safety protocols.
  11. Debriefing and Counseling: Personnel exposed to SCP-7429’s anomalous effects must undergo immediate debriefing and psychological counseling to address any adverse effects and mitigate long-term psychological trauma.
  12. Backup Systems: Redundant containment systems and backup power supplies must be in place to ensure uninterrupted containment of SCP-7429 in the event of power failures or system malfunctions.
  13. Training and Education: All personnel assigned to SCP-7429 must undergo regular training and education on containment protocols, safety procedures, and the nature of SCP-7429’s anomalous effects.
  14. Research Oversight: Research into SCP-7429’s properties and containment methods must be conducted under strict oversight by the Site Director and the Ethics Committee to prevent misuse or exploitation of SCP-7429’s anomalous properties.
  15. Document Control: All documentation, research findings, and incident reports related to SCP-7429 must be classified as Level 4-Eyes Only and stored in a secure database accessible only to authorized personnel.


MTF Sigma-6 (“Bane Arachnid”):

MTF Sigma-6 specializes in dealing with anomalies related to sound or acoustics. Given SCP-7429’s emission of low-frequency sound waves, Sigma-6 is involved in maintaning the SCP-7429 in any kind of containment breach.

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